20 English Simple Present Progressive Quiz Quizzes

20 English Quizzes about Simple Present Progressive Quiz.

1. The eagle ____________ high

2. I´m ____________ a history for my boyfriend

3. we are ____________ the homework in my house

4. I ____________ English

5. Is she wearing a blue jacket

6. They ____________ t v

7. Are you ____________ for me?

8. he drinking water?

9. My father ____________ working

10. My dog is ____________ water

11. They´re ____________ in the bed

12. Is she ____________ for a book?

13. You ____________ in Rionegro

14. My mother and I ____________ (talk) on the phone

15. you are ____________ an orange juice in the shop

16. Mary and Peter ____________ the house

17. Carlos esta comprando un carro en el autolavado

18. Mary (buy) ____________ the newspaper?

19. Are you ____________ japanese?

20. He ____________ learning English

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20 English Simple Present Progressive Quiz Quizzes

Type: 15 mins | 20 questions

20 English Quizzes about Simple Present Progressive Quiz.

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