15 English Types of Preposition Quiz Quizzes

15 English Quizzes about Types of Preposition Quiz.

1. The kittens that I have kept ____________ my bed is now gone

2. My family will visit my grandparents home ____________ summer

3. My father chopped the logs ____________ his axe

4. I told you that your wallet is not ____________ my bag

5. shows relationship between Nouns and other parts of a sentence

6. ____________ Shakespeare, “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool ”

7. The tickets will be sold out ____________ 7PM

8. a type of preposition that shows movement from one place to another place

9. it Indicates casual relationship between Nouns and other parts of the sentence

10. a type of preposition that shows the relationship of place between the Nouns and other parts of a sentence

11. The parcel will be delivered ____________ 14 Greenman DR APT 103 Main St

12. a type of preposition that shows the relationship of time between the Nouns to the other parts of a sentence

13. It is not a prepositional phrase, but they are combination of two or more words which function as a preposition

14. The Harry Potter book is written ____________ J K Rowling

15. The new transfer student is ____________ South Korea

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15 English Types of Preposition Quiz Quizzes

Type: 15 mins | 15 questions

15 English Quizzes about Types of Preposition Quiz.

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