15 English Simple Present and Present Continuous Tense Quiz Quizzes

15 English Quizzes about Simple Present and Present Continuous Tense Quiz.

1. Jessy ____________ rather pale today I think she falls ill

2. The fierce big black dog ____________ whenever a stranger passes buy

3. They ____________ to know the ending of the story but they will have to wait till next week to find out what happens

4. The robbers ____________ some bags of valuables when I see them running out of the shop

5. Mr Soh is the best teacher in the world He ____________ his students well and he is a patient young man

6. Nobody ____________ Christopher because he is a known liar

7. One who ____________ on other people is not independent

8. The boys ____________ in the shopping mall and the police are looking for them now

9. The workers ____________ up the place now as it is in a mess

10. It ____________ out there now Please stay at home

11. Jayden ____________ down on his bed now as he is very tired after doing Mr Soh’s assignments

12. The postman ____________ letters to us every morning

13. Clarus and his sister do not ____________ along well with one another

14. I ____________ my breakfast now Could you please call me back later?

15. The naughty Ivan ____________ some stink water into his friend’s bag when his friend is away

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15 English Simple Present and Present Continuous Tense Quiz Quizzes

Type: 15 mins | 15 questions

15 English Quizzes about Simple Present and Present Continuous Tense Quiz.

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