115 English Antonyms Quiz Quizzes
115 English Quizzes about Antonyms Quiz.
Get Started115 English Quizzes about Antonyms Quiz.
1. Tall
2. Happy
3. Different
4. Dull
5. Noisy
6. Sit
7. Receive
8. Buy
9. Go
10. Fast
11. What is an antonym for stop?
12. What is an antonym for front?
13. What is an antonym for dark?
14. What is an antonym for up?
15. What is an antonym for in?
25. Which two words are antonyms?
26. Which two words are antomyms?
27. Which two words are not antonyms?
28. Which two words are not antonyms?
29. Silent* evening
30. Worthless* calculator
31. Antique* chest
32. Cheap* shoes
33. Afternoon stroll*
34. Exit* the building
35. Vast* ocean
36. Valuable* earings
37. Harmless
38. Instructor
39. Once in a while
40. Lift
41. Maybe
42. Terrify
43. Empty
44. Positive
45. Demand
46. Take off
47. adjacent
48. advanced
49. voluntary
50. flabby
51. stingy
52. onward
53. variable
54. boundless
55. receded
56. troubled
57. Which of these words is most nearly the opposite of the word provided?Advance
58. Which of these words is most nearly the opposite of the word provided?Exhibit
59. Which of these words is most nearly the opposite of the word provided?Condemn
60. Which of these words is most nearly the opposite of the word provided?Impartial
61. Which of these words is most nearly the opposite of the word provided?Brazen
62. incautio, rash heedless, reckless
63. to immunize against, sheild from
64. Open-minded, reasonable
65. Imprint permanently
66. An easily solved problem, cinch
67. An agreement, accord; a breakthrough
68. To keep, hold on to, retain, cling to
69. Brief, concise, succinct, to concentrate
70. To praise, pat onthe back
71. To abandon; to scap, junk
72. Orderliness, tidiness, neatness
73. Easy to handle, manageable
74. To seal, close
75. Restrainted, held in check, muted
76. Continuous, steady, chronic
77. Brief, short-lived, fleeting, ephemeral
78. What is the antonym for kindness?
79. What is the antonym for beauty?
80. What is the antonym for float?
81. What is the antonym for cowardice?
82. What is an antonym for leave?
83. What is an antonym for full?
84. What is the antonym for honest?
85. What is an antonym?
86. What is the antonym for success?
87. What is an antonym for turn on?
88. What is an antonym for purchase?
89. Antonym of Ugly
90. Antonym of weak
91. Antonym of Often
92. Antonym of After
93. Antonym of tiny
94. Antonym of High
95. Antonym of gentle
96. Antonym of noisy
97. Antonym of Domestic
98. Antonym of unsafe
115 English Quizzes about Antonyms Quiz.
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